From Commuting Chaos to E-Commerce Success: How Sherry Went From Traffic Jams To A Top 0.01% Etsy Seller

by | Oct 13, 2023

Hello, hello, hello everyone. It is a great day to be here with you. My name is Sherry Gleason and I am one of the L 100 coaches. So I would like to share a little bit about my Print on Demand journey with the Low Hanging System. I started around 20 16, 20 17, so kind of one of the old timers. I began this journey when I was a yoga teacher in the county of Los Angeles. I was running around teaching classes all over the county, and if any of you are familiar with the roads and the freeway system in Los Angeles, you can imagine that sometimes the commute between studios took longer than the actual classes I was teaching. So it was kind of all over the place. I was scattered. I was not home a lot. I was pulled in a lot of different directions. I wanted to be more accessible at home to my children. My husband and my granddaughter was born during that time, so I thought, I’m going to consolidate and I’m going to bring my yoga business online. So I built a website. I, during that time, wanted to additionally offer merch, sweatshirts, hoodies, water bottles, et cetera.

And having owned in the past a brick and mortar physical gym, I used to have to outlay the money and get a dozen t-shirts in, small, medium, large, printed at a time, dozens of water bottles, et cetera, put them in my lobby. And then when they didn’t sell, I was stuck with this merchandise. So I didn’t want to go that route. I didn’t want local printer. I thought there’s got to be some company out there that will print and ship my designs on products on my behalf and drop ship it to my customers. So I went out on this search on the internet and stumbled upon Rachel, and she was talking about putting things on mugs and selling them on Amazon. And I thought, huh, well, let me give this a look. See. And then my eyes opened up to this print on demand thing.

And so I utilized it for my customers who ordered my merch off of my website, had them drop ship to them. And then I thought, let me check out the Samsung thing she’s talking about. Went down that journey. And back then we really didn’t have a lot of training on Etsy, but I found Etsy and I fell in love. I absolutely fell in love. It felt very natural to me there. I could build a brand because that’s my specialty. I could talk to customers if you haven’t noticed, that’s what I like to do. I like to engage. And I really settled in over there. And let’s see, currently I’m in the top 0.01% of Betsy Sellers. I’ve been there for a few years in that the position, and it’s just my passion. It’s all I do. I eat, sleep, and breathe. What is happening on Etsy, what’s happening today on Etsy, what’s happening with the algorithm?

All these kinds of tips and tricks, it’s my obsession. So that’s where I am with Etsy. Also, this print on demand journey took some other little twists and turns, and it has evolved to where I have my own print shop. Nothing like custom, happy, don’t get excited. It is small. But what I do is I am a sublimation printer along with my staff, and we print our designs on products that we wholesale out to other site owners across America, just like I did with that yoga website. I sell to people like that and they resell it to their clients. Also, some of my stuff has been sold in hallmarks and boutiques across the country, so it’s super weird, but super cool to see your stuff. They’ll send me pictures of my products in their shop, and it’s just very proud of that. It’s very exciting.

So you never know where this journey’s going to take you. Possibilities are endless, and it’s an honor to be able to also employ other people and my family members, and it is now a family business. So the sky is the limit. Now, were there challenges along the way? Of course there’s always going to be challenges in any business, but what you do, you persevere. You keep moving forward. You never give up. And if you don’t know the answer to somebody, to something, find out who does and ask them. Just raise your hand and ask ’em. I know the team here is extremely supportive and we want nothing more than to help you and clarify things and get your questions answered. So just keep moving forward. Whenever there is a roadblock, I call it pivot and adjust. Pivot and adjust, because business will always be like this and we pivot and adjust and we just keep moving forward.

What has this meant to my lifestyle and then what type of income is happening with my shops? My dad always taught us that it’s not proper to talk about the amount of money you make or ask somebody else the amount of money you make. So I would just like to say that I am able to have a home in Southern California and here in Las Vegas where I am today. And more importantly, it gives me the freedom to travel back and forth to spend time with my family. Some of us are here, some of us are there, and to be able to not be locked into a schedule like a nine to five. So that’s the best part about it, is just that I am in control of the schedule.

My successes already talked about. I mean, the blessings just keep coming. Tips, I would say keep moving forward. Never stop learning. Never stop asking. Continual to list. Just keep feeding these beasts. Just keep continuing to list. You won’t know unless you try, and we’re going to make mistakes along the way, but then there’s coaches like myself and the others who are there to pick you up and redirect you. So believe in yourself, and if you join the L 100 program, I would be honored to work with you. Hold your hand. I like to strip things down for people. I like to lift the veil of confusion, and

I like to build brands, and I like to help people discover their passions. And we have fun. We have a blast, and you get to get some of, I like to call Sherry’s secret sauce. So we get in there, I hold nothing back. You get all the juicy secrets because my goal is to see you succeed. Nothing brings me greater joy than to watch somebody else succeed. So I hope I get the pleasure of meeting you on Zoom, or if you’re ever in Los Angeles or Las Vegas and you want to grab a cup of coffee, look me up. Until then, have a fabulous day and we’ll see you soon. Take care.


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