Pushing Through Frustration: How Linnie Overcame Obstacles to Make Sales with Low Hanging System

by | May 4, 2022

I hope that this is right.

Hello. My name is Linnie, and I’ve never sold anything online before, and I’ve been with LHS for five months now.

And, How I got started is one day I was online and I saw Rachel and she explained the process, and it really sounded simple, something that I can understand. And so I joined and I’m a slow learner. I get frustrated when I don’t understand something, and I really just wanted to give up. And every time that would happen, I ask a question online and I say, okay, if they don’t respond, then I’m just done. I’m not going to do it anymore. But someone always answered my question. They always eased my frustrations and motivated me to keep pushing forward. And so, I kept pushing forward.

And I just love Rachel. She’ll have these challenge. Like she just had an Ornament boot camp, and had it not been for that boot camp, I would have never sold an Ornament. And I’ve had one sale on Amazon and a few sales on Etsy.

And you know if you follow the process, what you put in is what you’ll get out of it. I have another job, so I do this on the side. And the main thing is that I see so many women being very successful with this process, and I figure, okay, well, if they can do it, I can do it. I could get more sales, you know.

And now that I really have an understanding of the whole thing, like I said, I’m a slow learner. So now that I kind of got the meat and potatoes of the whole process, things are finally starting to come together. You just cannot give up.

I jot down everything I want to say.

Also, Rachel, Kim, she did our Ornament boot camp, and the whole staff, they are very helpful. You’re not alone. The Facebook group, if it wasn’t for them, I probably would have given up. Just stick and stay and you’ll benefit.

And one more thing. When you hear that first ka-ching on Etsy, meaning your’re making a sale, that’s one of the greatest feelings ever. 


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