The Strange Story of the Little ‘Soda’ That Could…

by | Mar 24, 2022

Have you ever tried the Soda 7-Up? Or at least seen it in the stores?

If so, this may interest you.

The creator C.L. Grigg’s first invention was an orange-flavored soft drink he called “Howdy.”

But this beverage struggled against the king of all orange pop drinks at the time:

“Orange Crush”…

And despite Grigg’s best efforts…

Howdy just couldn’t stop Orange Crush from dominating the market for orange sodas.

So, Grigg shifted his focus.

He found that while the orange soda niche is pretty much occupied…

The lemon-lime flavor market was mostly untapped!

So, he invented a new drink called:

Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Sodas! 

Quite a mouthful, isn’t it?

Clearly *that* name was never going to work.

But that name was eventually changed to what we know today:


And with its origins tracing back to the 1920s…

7UP is now the oldest, most enduring lemon-lime soda brand anywhere in the world!

What’s interesting though is you don’t necessarily need to have your own product to generate a healthy income online nowadays.

That’s because now you can potentially….

“Photocopy” the ‘Zero-Product’ Online Business That Gave 9 out of 10 Beta Testers $1,000 Per Week in Sales

You see,  a friend of mine has developed a way to create daily sales online – without having your own product or website.  And, it’s so successful that 9 out of 10 ‘beta-testers’ got to $1,000 per week in sales in 90 days.

Watch a FREE Demo Today to find out exactly how to do it. 

Hope your day is going well


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