What Adam Can Say About The Launch 100 Program

by | Feb 22, 2022

How’s it going, everybody? I’m Adam Schneider. I’m the senior coach for the Launch 100 program. And I just want to reflect on the last year exactly. Of doing Launch 100 coaching. It’s been almost exactly a year since Rachel came and said, “Hey, do you want to be a coach for this program?” And honestly, I didn’t really know what I was getting into. I didn’t know that I was going to meet hundreds of awesome people, that I was going to get a chance to chat with everybody online and basically bring everybody to the finish line of success.

It’s been a wild ride for me because a year ago I thought I had everything figured out in my life, but it turns out that I didn’t. But it’s been an amazingly successful journey. Much more successful and productive than I could have possibly imagined. If you would’ve asked me a year ago, if I would be sitting in Las Vegas right now, I would have said, “What? Las Vegas, I’ve been there a couple times.” Here I am. I get to talk to these awesome people.

The Launch 100 program has basically, it’s become part of almost who I am. Right. Print on demand is a growing industry. And these people are here to maximize their success. The Launch 100 program is designed to maximize your success. We’ve literally been working hands on with people, teaching them how to do the various things, helping them solve little problems that they come across, things that other programs just don’t do. Right. You don’t just get this hands on interaction with other programs. Maybe get some videos or something like that. But the Launch 100 program is a really interactive thing.

And I’m a people person. Right. I love talking to people. And so this really suits me really well. And we’ve added a bunch of coaches as well. We’ve got someone here who cracked a half a million dollars on print on demand sales just in the last year. And she’s volunteered her time to come and teach everybody how to do what she’s doing.

And it’s not super complex stuff. It’s just there’s mindset. Right. Getting your mind in the right position to have that success. Sometimes people will struggle with, I’m not good enough to be successful. And we got to get you past that. And then we can start moving you towards success. We also got John Lavinia here talking. He’s a core part of the program. And I’m just, I’m grateful that I get to be a member, a part of this system because it really is life changing for me. This is what I do. This is what I love, and this is what I’m going to keep doing. Hope to see you guys in the program at some point in the future and have the very best day.


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